I love buying gifts for my nieces, they're so easy to buy for, but the problem is I always see something else I want to get them too. And if I had the money I would probably spoil them rotten, but I don't unfortunately.
Anyway, below are some cool birthday gift ideas for girls.
Clicking through on any chosen item below will give you further product details and product reviews.
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20 Mar 2011

The top ten strangest searches on Google for 2010.

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Top ten strangest searches on Google by people of the United States in 2010.

Maybe these people were drunk, maybe they were having a laugh, or maybe they just really wanted to know more about what they were searching for.
Of course to those people searching for this stuff, it probably isn't strange a tall.
What do you think?
Here is the list of top ten strangest searches of 2010. These are searches done by the people of the United States by the way. Probably answers a lot. Lol.
  1. can a horse have ocd?
  2. am i bipolar or overachiever?
  3. why are Americans afraid of dragons?
  4. ninjas are better than pirates
  5. why is a raven like a writing desk?
  6. why does Brian Wilson dye his beard?
  7. should i marry him?
  8. i wish i could speak whale
  9. why couldn't you stand on the sun's surface?
  10. why does my baby grunt?
I just have to say, I wish I could speak whale too.  Woah, did I just say that out loud?
Is the search 'should I marry him', all that strange?  I am sure there were more bizarre searches than that.
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